Case-based counseling
Case-based counseling
The purpose of this service is the women to understand their situation and available options as well as making a decision to break the circle of violence, to acknowledge necessary steps and step-by-step enforcement.
The service includes meeting the women (and her children when necessary) who have experienced or have lived in danger of violence, establishing trust relationship, hearing out and providing emotional support, empowering women and children.
During a case-based counseling session the support center worker (counselor) would identify the client’s specific needs, provide information about her legal rights and services provided by the support center, as well as help available outside the support centre. The counselor assesses safety risks together with the client, builds a safety plan and a plan of action. The plan of action emanates from the client’s expectations.
As an example the plan of action can include applying for subsidies, turning to court for financial assistance, to divorce, divide common property, arrange custody and visiting rights, communication with the police and prosecutor’s office to open a criminal case and apply for a restraining order. The plan of action can include the making of family’s budget, finding new accommodation and employment, applying for nursery and school places for the children, communicating with child protection and social workers according to the client’s needs.
The counselor would discuss in the course of work the enforcement of the plan of action with the client and would annotate or make amendments where necessary.
Case-based counseling would be carried out in separate counseling rooms on agreed times.
The client can remain anonymous during the counseling session. Distinct customer data would be forwarded to the other bodies only with the client’s consent and within the agreed limits.
Case-based counseling would be carried out by the support center workers who have received special training to work with the victims of violence against women.